Tel Aviv Escort Girl about Signs of the Zodiac in Bed :)
Aries Male In sex trying to prove that he is not a sheep. Ready everywhere to do kunilingus. Absolutely not shy about the fact that masturbating. With the obvious lack of sexual stamina, the Aries feels just the same biological need to run after the countless innocent ladies with an almost primal excitement. Erection probably. Condoms — from a theoretical point of view respects. Aries Woman Selfish and principled. It is necessary to seduce her forcefully and quickly. Either it will give all at once or nothing ever. The best method of seduction is to make some outstanding feat. Women-Aries themselves are very hot and passionate, so I prefer intelligent and flexible partners. It may seem that they are completely devoid of coquetry and indifferent to manifestations of chivalry in his address. For example, do not require to apply coats and even themselves unable to open the door.

Taurus Male The number of sexual acts per night will give odds to any other sign. The rest do not Moo and calves. Do not like to change poses, it is enough banal "he's on top she on the bottom face to each other", because of the abundance of casual relationships often suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. Although upright Taurus likes to dominate, in bed, he will always give place to the top lady. Erection sucks sometimes literally and sometimes figuratively. Condoms rejected in both leukocyte foreign body. To interest such a man, a woman needs to look more indifferent. Do not respond to smiles. Will not help to pretend to be deaf, speaking gestures. In any case don't tell him "Yes"! Taurus Woman Love money and constantly vykruchivatsya. He must be wealthy enough to buy the bling, and stupid enough to buy them for her. The most common death of women from the hands of a jealous husband. Mature Taurus woman have to be "in the body". If it is "not in the body", this means that there is something wrong. Done right, it should be properly groomed. Feed should be sneakers and meat, drink the best sweet liqueurs. At the same time caressing erogenous zones. If Taurus woman is deprived of this — she is miserable and suffers greatly. If she has it in her, she is happy and loving. In the pauses you can tell erotic jokes, read aloud something interesting and sing songs. The greatest chance for success in business and the military.

Gemini Male He was not satisfied with the meeting. Intimacy he is under pressure. Monogamy is boring. Any restrictions put out. Talented in sex, anticipates the desires, may submit any perversion as something very attractive. Shy moaning during orgasmic discharge. Loves it when his partner wears stockings and all that jazz. Erection wonderful. Condoms are not forced to go to bed without them. Do not miss the opportunity to offer to engage in group sex. Gemini Woman A victim of his own insight. Distinguish from impotent sex giant and not look in the pants (well, and generally good at reading people). Often spend all their life in search of the knight in the white coat . But since such are rare, the sex in the lives of such women are often not for love. Despite the apparent frivolity, quite prudent. Often introduce partner misled the increased interest in his person. Twins have such an interest could mean just their inherent curiosity, and not having any far-reaching plans. Get pleasure from watching erotic pictures, learning new sex positions and discussing common acquaintances.

Cancer Male Despite the name, this sign does not like same position. But copes and other equally vulgar poses. During sexual intercourse, he moves quickly, then slowly, trying to be different: it seems that it excites her partner. Considered their main weapon cunillingus. After sex loves to discuss previous sexual experiences with your partner. Their "achievements" remembers long talks about them often. Erection capricious. Condoms — not shun it. Cancer Woman Zodiac sign speaks for itself!...Woman-Cancer loves sex and always searches the adventure on their second 90. She constantly worries about her inaccessibility, and thus the sex might disappear, and for a long time. They show special sensitivity to ritual detail, very jealous, there are vampiristic and insidious. On the other hand, inherent in women of this sign are natural tenacity developed so much that there is no hope for easy separation. Gently grasp men and his delicate "claws", and for bad behavior hurts infringe in any delicate place.

Lion Man Life is a play. "Love The Lion". The script and direction of the Lion. Producer — Leo. Starring — Leo. Starring: Leo: Leo takes the (handsome, around which the action unfolds). The Beautiful Heroine. Enthusiastic audience: do all the women of the world. But seriously, are different. Very. Leo Woman Impressive and confident Lioness likes it to be spectacular and dramatic, like a movie. And her partner should be the main subject of her pride. At least at first. The dignity of Lionesses is that they rarely "saw" the stronger sex and do not usually bother with trifles. The downside is their weakness to everything bright and shiny. On the other hand, always calm, all will benefit, even from a Blowjob (spit that there is in a bag and then sell). If you suddenly notice that the sight of her beautiful eyes — like Hitler before death, not to worry: she's always like that. In her marriage, in General, and sex is eventually not care about: the man she sees a potential caretaker with children and money bag behind. She often change, because the body allows rarely and briefly, and in sex behaves as a runner on the track. Heavy lies share.

Virgo Male Virgo are skilled lovers with a rich sexual fantasy. Despite the apparent practicality, coldness and pedantry, the representatives of this constellation are doing everything to give pleasure to your partner. Virgins are easy to manage in bed. They can be leading, and slaves. Sex with a Virgin variety: today the representative of this sign can be gentle and passive, tomorrow is a passionate and hot. Virgo Woman Beautiful, loyal and attractive. Men are interested in them, as for cold beer, but these women tend to not use it. A stormy night from it should not wait, she had all the love and calm, so if for you sex is not a reason for Dating, is it bad for you partner. The positive is that love with Virgins improves health and expands horizons. Women of this sign very interesting. They know the rules. And also well know how to break them. Desire present not the virgin adoring glances and shy allusions, but in plain text.

Libra Male Will never climb to the woman in soul, wanting to make sure your integrity or to know what is your Holy and precious. It only cares about her appearance, voice, clothing and behavior. At that time, as her dearest feelings will remain unavailable for the Scales, he would pay more and more attention to your surface mistakes. Erection like at all. Condoms are considered worthy way of protection. Libra Woman She wants to please everybody. Being close with her, it is important to understand that sex and flirting is two different things. Otherwise you can ingloriously waste away from the erotic suffering. In choosing a permanent partner Libra is very picky — she wants a man that would carry her away; and not only her, but everyone else too. Small — such a partner, from which there is no discomfort when communicating with others. If a man that is — it's all his, without a trace. If not — it will decide when, where , what positions, or even should. To live with Weights need beautiful, in comfort, from time to time giving feeding flowers and coffee in bed. Courageous temperament their half they value not less than the compliments and sophistication in manners. Scorpio Male They meet, he's tormenting her — because he likes it. Gradually it becomes a complete mental wreck. He likes that, too. The woman should gracefully fall into his arms and let him all. And then to see a psychiatrist. Yeah, he's powerful (so don't fight with him). He looks at the woman there is a desire to remove undergarments, no matter how many people are nearby and how much time she met him. Erection always. Condoms — according to his wish. Scorpio Woman Her exalted spirit skorpinski struggling with lustful skorpinski body. Because of this from Scorpions comes at the same time and a powerful sex appeal and tough aura of rigor, as if talking about what if we make love, for a serious reason. Scorpions most of all I love men strong — in all senses. In the erotic games they are very passionate and do not neglect the elements of a healthy sadomasochism. A woman, born under this sign, you need to be able to love long and hard, at worst — it's expensive. So romantics-vegetarians, is not capable of pacifist convictions to slit the throat of a chicken, to worry does not follow. From the looks it owns me, but if it comes to sex — begins to use everything that comes handy, so in the kitchen or in the garage to love her life-threatening. Dangerous not only that: because of them, broken family, career, and goes far to the same salary.

Sagittarius Male At first glance it seems an absolute shy so shy, but it is only up to the moment you will find yourself with Sagittarius in the same bed. Will all — tenderness, passion, selfless sex. The lack of archers in their somewhat stereotyped and that their sexuality is limited to the set of norms and rules imposed by whom is unclear. To say that Sagittarius inherent fear of monogamy, is to announce that salmon Rushdie is experiencing a mild anxiety at the thought of death. Subsequently (after sexual contact) Sagittarians are terribly vulgar in communication. Erection and how without it! Condoms — is (with me). Sagittarius Woman To maintain (next to him) this Amazon, need continuous flight of the spirit and looking somewhere body movement. It is best to make love on the beaches of Cyprus, in the breaks between presentations at the scientific Symposium, as well as fishing or hunting. Most of all it excites the hunt for a partner. And after achieving a goal, experiencing a desire to switch to something more difficult... It is for those who love smart, beautiful and funny! Sex inexhaustible, so while Udovolstviya need to work on. Loves sex and considers it almost a sense of life, so get ready for various perversions. By nature, it is a romantic drifter, that is likes to change places and circumstances, so sex with her-you can learn anywhere! Knowing her worth, she not only goes left but also understand, if the husband does the same thing. Family life appreciates, but if suddenly she wants adventure. Capricorn Man He is very diligent in bed, sometimes unnecessarily, and very gentle. Refined, as an analyst of security, witty, as biorobot, sincere, as a banker, Capricorn takes everything seriously. He has the best of intentions. Nothing human is alien to him. He knows that not only in money happiness. Her position in society is for him no less interest. Erection of a stable steady. Size — completely. Condoms he wears. Capricorn Woman They are constantly plagued by fears on the topic "I want this, but if it's too big." The relations are very strict. Men always want it, but once they get closer — make sure that everything is not so simple. Sex focused on their own desires. If to catch a moment with this woman, you can tumble for days... Mature Goats in addition to sexual attraction there is one more unique advantage, especially valuable for home and impressionable men — her shoulder can always be used as a reliable support in different life debacles.

Aquarius Male Without the slightest hesitation gripped everyone wants. Aquarius is the illegible and legible, but slutty and those and others. Able to acknowledge how he is messed up and not ashamed of it. He is proud of his difference from others. Any bonds he sees as an encroachment on the spiritual growth of each partner. Erection is present. Size — always (whether big, whether small) is the cause of experiences. Condoms — she loves me not. Aquarius Woman Under the sign of Aquarius are born is not the most sensitive, but the most interesting and unpredictable partner. They are extravagant, freedom-loving and not jealous over nothing. Unobtrusive exhibit a penchant for feminism and non-traditional forms of sex. When her young husband returns from work, his house looks like... public sex, however, the Aquarius woman does not agree to a Threesome. Seeing her, men begin to think about the distortions, but, having receive only the worker-peasant position. Being a master of flirting, never go left. in relationship appreciate the tranquility more than the emotions.

Pisces male Passive, but nevertheless gentle. Avoiding to take the initiative, preferring to excite the partner and to leave leadership over her. He is surrounded by his ex-wives and girlfriends with whom he never broke up, because I can't stand to part. It stores photos, love letters and memorabilia. Yes, he's a romantic. Do not expect, however, that he will shower you with flowers, perfume and wedding rings. On a large scale he can only tell lies, and you will definitely discover it. It can be found on blue or green eyes. It was the Lord, as if by chance, helps you to see his dilated pupils, he's lying like a trooper. Erection when. Condoms — when as. Pisces woman C it is easy to feel like a drug addict. It is possible to take, as in a warm bath and forget about everything. Specific erogenous zone is the feet. Initiative in life and in sex Pisces tend to give the partner. This is not something that would be their kindness or weakness, but rather a kind of "fish" greed — save yourself from the hassle and worries associated with responsibility for the initiative. In return be guaranteed a bottomless well of sympathy and compassion (don't forget to give a reason), and everything else, of course.
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